Thursday, 11 February 2016

Film Titles Ideas

Deciding on a name that linked well to our storyline was at first difficult to decided on, we created a mind map of thriller opening film names that we could use. We chose to research into different meanings behind thriller associated name and find definitions to words we associated our storyline to be about. Below is a mind map of all the different name ideas we came up with. 

As a group the four of us couldn't come up with an agreement, the majority of us thought that 12 hours would be an interesting name to use but we wasn't too sure if it was basic and similar to previous published film names. Also the reason we felt that having 12 hours as our name was because it linked to a kidnapper wanting money for names and the victims family having a certain amount of time to gather together the required amount of money asked for. However we did choose to include a question in our target market research and we found that 12 hours was the best proffered title name, something about it stood out to people, followed by the name title 'Seized' which came second with only 1 vote between them. 
An idea of using this 12 hours name would be to have a constant timer ticking up to 12 hours or down from 12 to 0, this would be used to insinuate that the teenagers captured have a certain time before they are killed. This timer could be constantly ticking and placed in the bottom left hand corner, creating a tense atmosphere for the viewer as they question the teenagers saftey.
When the film title has to appear on the screen I came up with an idea that the clock could be ticking really fast up till 12 and as the number gets higher so does the opacity of the title, which means that as it hits 12 hours the title would perhaps be when an intense music is added to signify this is the films title name. This idea i came up with when i analysed 'The Talented Mr Ripely' as the titles opacity increased whilst different names were flicking to create the title name. 

However when it came down to filming and editing together the film opening, as a group we came to the conclusion that using '12 hours' wouldn't work as our title name, it didn't have any purpose due to us including a 24 hour flashback title with the editing we decided that the audience watching could get confused in what the name title actually was. Instead we have decided that choosing seized as the title name would be more practical and perhaps that the name ' seized' would be more effective and different, due to there not being a film currently produced based around this name title. Although we had a good idea behind the 12 hours name , we felt like it didn't quite fit into the type of storyline we was following when filming, as we changed around the storyline slightly due to there being less actors and a 2 minute time amount. Also the title name seized came second in our target market research which meant that we was still gong with a title name that out target market thought was interesting and effective. 

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